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* 일시: 10월 28일(금) 14시
* 장소: Pusan National University, Physics Bldg. #1, Room 105
* 연사: Dr. Adil Jueid (IBS CTPU)
* 제목: Leptoquark solutions to the dark matter problem and the R_D anomalies
* 초록: In this talk, I will discuss how a scalar leptoquark (LQ) singlet can simultaneously solve the $R_{D^{*}}$ anomalies and the dark matter problem. This will be exemplified in a minimal simplified LQ model where the SM is extended by two additional dark-sector particles: a Majorana fermion singlet, and a coloured Dirac fermion. We estimate the constraints from collider searches, direct detection experiments and the relic abundance. The correct relic density can not only arise from the standard freeze-out mechanism but also from the conversion-driven freeze-out mechanism. I discuss the rich phenomenological implications at colliders and point to holes that are left in the previous LHC searches.